Older mens first gay sex stories

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I asked him if he was going near to where I live which was about 25 to 30 minutes away, he replied yes but said he would like to go the back way to get out of the traffic, this was ok with me.Īfter a few minutes he was driving along a stretch of road when the rain seemed to get heavier, this made him slow right down so he could see where he was going, it was then when I noticed as he slowly passed the street lights that he had his pants unzipped and unbuckled, he was fondling his cock as he was talking to me, I tried to pretend not to look but it got the better of me.

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I had been picked up by this man a few times before so I kind of knew him he was a man in his mid to late fifties and quite a nice friendly person. then all of a sudden a car came from around a corner and stopped, I was so relieved. On one cold, wet and dark winters night I was trying to get home I had hitchhiked in the same spot for about 20 minutes, the road seemed busy and I started to think I was never going to get a lift home. When I was 18 back in the early 1970s I use to hitchhike a lot to save money on bus fares, I would hitch a lift most days. This is a true story of my first and second experience with an older man.

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